Time left to Enter:
Tania Hershman,
judge for 2025.
Judge: Tania Hershman
Word Limit: 300
Closes: 28 Feb '25
Results: 10 April '25
Anthology Published: July '25
Entry Fees: €16 / €11 subsequent entries. (Optional Critique €42)
Top ten stories will be published in the FISH ANTHOLOGY 2025.
1st: €1,000
2nd: Online Writing Course + €300
3rd: €300
The Fish Flash Fiction Prize is an opportunity to attempt one of the most interesting and rewarding tasks – to create, in a tiny fragment, a completely resolved and compelling story in 300 words or less.
Tania Hershman, flash fiction writer from Manchester, England, is the judge for 2025. Tania will be selecting the 10 flash stories to be published in the FISH ANTHOLOGY 2025. ABOUT TANIA
The Flash Fiction Stories are wonderfully entertaining to read and challenging to write, but we love them and so do the readers of the Fish Anthology. This is a chance to get a story, however small, into the next Fish Anthology.
The Fish Flash Fiction Prize has been an annual event since 2004.
To view our catalogue of anthologies containing the winning stories from previous flash fiction contests and to read extracts, click Fish Books.
If you would like to refine your flash fiction writing skills, you might like to take advantage of the Flash Fiction Writing Course.
Critique Service provides an appraisal of your work prior to entering a writing contest, or at any time.
Ten stories will be published in the FISH ANTHOLOGY 2025. (First, second, third and seven honourable mentions)
First – €1,000
Second – Online Writing Course + €300
Third – €300
The ten published authors will each receive five copies of the Anthology and will be invited to read at the launch during the West Cork Literary Festival in July ’25.
First Entry € |
Subsequent € |
ONLINE | 16.00 | 11.00 |
Critique (Optional) | 42.00 | 42.00 |
Entry & Critique | 58.00 |
POST | 19.00 | 11.00 |
Critique (Optional) | 49.00 | 49.00 |
You can enter online or by post. The cheaper option is to enter online.
– How to Enter ONLINE:
To enter online, click on the green button and follow the instructions.
(Judging is done anonymously.) Your story and name are linked automatically when you enter.
– How to Enter by POST:
Post to: Fish Flash Fiction Prize, Collingwood, Coomkeen, Durrus, Bantry, Co. Cork, P75 H704, Ireland.
Please use normal postal service (not couriers as this service is unreliable in our rural area).
Best not to use registered post as this slows receipt. (We will email you to confirm that your entry has arrived.)
Make cheques payable to Fish Publishing, using your country’s currency.
Do not sent postal orders (outside Ireland).
Print on one side of the page only in reasonable sized type.
The Flash Fiction Prize is judged anonymously, so please do not put your name or contact details on any of the story pages.
Include all contact details on a separate sheet.
Receipt of entry will be by email.
Stories will not be returned.
A queer writer of odd things, Tania Hershman’s second poetry collection, Still Life With Octopus, is published by Nine Arches Press and her debut hybrid novel, Go On, a “fictional-memoir-in-collage”, by Broken Sleep Books. Tania is editor of Fuel: An Anthology of Prize-Winning Flash Fictions Raising Funds to Fight Fuel Poverty (Feb 2023). Her poetry pamphlet, How High Did She Fly, was joint winner of Live Canon’s 2019 Poetry Pamphlet Competition and her hybrid particle-physics-inspired book ‘and what if we were all allowed to disappear’ was published by Guillemot Press. Tania is also the author of a poetry collection, a poetry chapbook and three short story collections, and co-author of Writing Short Stories: A Writers’ & Artists’ Companion (Bloomsbury, 2014), and has a PhD in creative writing inspired by particle physics. Her first book of creative non-fiction, “It’s Time: A Chronomemoir”, is forthcoming in 2025.