
SHORTLIST Fish Short Story Prize 2013/14

83 stories shortlisted
(1,560 stories submitted in total)

Frogs; The City Aengus Murray
Stalker Alena Abrosimova
A clerical error Amanda Nicol
Motel Q Andrew Foster
Two’d up Ann Jolly
No Church in the Wild Anne Corlett
The Pacific Madrona Anne Elliott
Eventyr Annie lindberg
Abaddon and Jemima Antonio Chavez
Horse latitudes Aongus Murtagh
The Scream Baret Magarian
The Nod Barry Troy
Horses In Field And The Like Brian Leeson
The Quicken Tree Carol Farrelly
Train in the Night Chris Franks
Safe Houses Christine Powell
Served Cold Claire Bolderson
Taylor Keith David Butler
Repatriation David Hardy
Stealing Apples David ODwyer
Stale Peaches David ODwyer
A Little Trouble with the Spirits Deborah Cameron
Fallon’s Wood Donna Triggs
The Tusk Earle McCartney
SINGING TO FISH Eleanor O’Reilly
Hear all evil, see all, speak none Elisheva Stanton
Homing Ewan Gault
Xanthippe’s Western Road Fiona Ni Conchubhair
The Oguri Diet Geoff Smith
Pity The Poor Struggler george Pirie
A Paper Husband Georgina Eddison
Sex Queen of Johwnstown Lane Graham Tugwell
Nothing Like Me Grainne Murphy
Frank & Alfie Grainne Murphy
Lost Souls I. Michael Gurin
Till Night Again Meets Day on Equal Terms Ian Craine
What You Don’t See Is What You Get Itohan Ellis
Whenever I Close My Eyes James Heaney
Dear John, I’ve fallen for a dog. Jane Harrington
Monkey Boy Janine Mikosza
Theresa’s Special Night John Rutter
An Alsatian on Roller Skates Julie Chilver
Playoffs Kelly Creighton
Fortune’s Daughter Kelly Fordon
The Wait Kyle Martin Jones
Flatrock 1979 Lukas Jackson
Estrangement Marianne O’Rourke
Butcher’s Creek Mark Smith
Com Marked
The Frog – a parable Martin Day
Over the Wall Maura O’Brien
The Amber Bird Maureen Cashman
Gomorrah Shade Michael Crossan
Only Three Billion Dreams Michael Forester
Boy at the Window Michael Romyn
Tess Michael Wilson
Last Christmas In Barrie Natalya Anderson
A Good Beating Neil Cubley
4AM Nikki Mottram
The Tomb of the Tomb Builders Nina Milton
Venom Oana Aristide
Cat Pat O’Connor
Now more than ever Patrick Wakeling
The Thin Line Pauline Rooney
The Island Peter Rodgers
Moonlight Ric Carter
An Uncertain State. Ruth Geldard
The Date Mate Ruth Hayhurst
The Arrow of Time Sara Baker
The Crane Sarah Quigley
The Dead Animals Register Seth Insua
Little Andy’s Cry Seth Insua
The Words Simon Cornish
One Hour, Three Times a Week Sonal Aggarwal
The Smell of People Sleeping Sophie Hampton
The True Source of the Great Chicago Fire
by Seamus McManus
Steve Wiley
Across The Rio Negro Sue Cosgrave
Killing Time Sue Cosgrave
Stew and Dumplings Susan Shepherd
A Love Of Art Toby Roebuck
Dogs, Ducks and Drakes Val Jones
The Motorbike Wolfgang eulitz
The Car Salesman Wolfgang eulitz

Fish Publishing, Durrus, Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland