197 memoirs longlisted
(780 memoirs submitted in total)
My Life, The Movie | A.B. Chesler |
Middle School Life | Abbie Tingstad |
30-Dec | Abbie Tingstad |
How to Save Comic in Times of War | Adnan Mahmutovic |
A Life in Dogs | Adrianne Aron |
A Caseful of Ostrich Feathers | Aida Lennon |
Saragh’s Diary | Alexandra D’Arcy |
We All Know Mr Jones | Alice Jolly |
The Fairy Child | Alison Walker |
What Happened in Jamaica | Alyssa Kilzer |
Kingsley | Amanda Bell |
Black Ice | Amy Vander Els |
Cows and Lies | Andre Hess |
Christmas Day in Dewsbury | Andrea Burn |
From the Head’s Office | Angus Walker |
View Near the Borderline | Ann Thompson |
The Precipice | Anna Bogdanova |
Now gone home | Anna Hansell |
Homeward Bound | Anna McGrail |
A Gas Woman | Anne Griffin |
A Ghost Itches | Anne Griffin |
Culture Shock | Anne Stoddart |
‘Cause I knew I was loved | Anni Webster |
Nuns & Dinosaurs | Annie Lowney |
The Outer Hebrides | Anthony Costello |
The Dividing Line | April Darcy |
Peter | Barbara Unkovic |
A Boy is a Half-Assed Thing | Barry Troy |
A Life Well Lived | Beryl Trebble |
Red Brick | Betty Weiner |
Rules to Survive Childhood | Billie Travalini |
Where the Sun Comes up Like Thunder | Blair Bourassa |
Just a Little Finger | Bridgett Kendall |
The Skiles Junior High Blues | bruce wexler |
Where Are the People? | Caitlin McGill |
Dear Diary | Cal Bartley |
Mother’s Bad Leg | Carol Kellar |
Dorie Adams | Caroline Hume |
Practicing doctors | Caroline Mawer |
What if the Pastor’s Wife Wants to Quit? | Carrie Stephens |
LEARNING TO LIE | Catherine Brophy |
Non-Toxic | Catherine Coldstream |
Mary | Catherine Conroy |
Symphony Date | Cathy Beres |
From the Mockingbird’s Throat | Chris Carson |
CROSSING OVER | Chris Livingstone |
March | Chris RB Fay |
Beautiful Gardens | Christina Greeves |
In Wales with Larry | Christopher North |
Five Things That Terrified Me Abou Visiting My Grandparents |
Ciara McVeigh |
The Way We Were | Clarrie Pringle |
Make You a Woman | Cynthia Stuart |
Womb Dances | Dairena Ní Chinnéide |
CYCLING IN ISRAEL | David Forest Hitchcock |
The Torso and the Lotus | David Horovitch |
The Bedrock of My Soul | Deborah Cameron |
My mate came to see me | Debra Phillips |
Pleasure | Deepak Singh |
Mum in Memory | Denise Blake |
´I can´t write about him´ – Writing in the Silences: Beckett, Grief and Art |
Eamon Mc Guinness |
Kibun | elizabeth browne |
Walter and Tatsy | Elizabeth Brunazzi |
Getting Saved | Elizabeth Brunazzi |
Bridge of Sighs | Elsbeth Collins |
Funeral | Eugene McCarthy |
The Trail of Tears | Ewing Baldwin |
Blood Suckers | Frances Kenny |
Hold Your Collar | Frances Kenny |
The Hooded Man | Frances Kenny |
FAMIGLIA | G.L. Sheridan |
Where Things Are Kept No More | gabi burman |
You in N’awlins Now Baby | Geraldine Anslow |
Once upon a time there was a tavern | Geraldine Anslow |
Motherland | Geraldine Anslow |
Damage | Gerry Dorrian |
Not the Journey We Were Expecting | Gordon Darroch |
Where Black Rivers Meet | Gulara Vincent |
Sage and Wisdom | Helen Hansen |
Growing up in wrtime | Jackie Hinden |
Death at Midnight | Jaimee Joroff |
There Were Red Roses At The Gas Station | Jaimee Joroff |
Fine Dining in Bartlesville | James Murtha |
Kinsale Fishermen | James Murtha |
My Road to Je Suis Charlie | James Yao |
It Seems Like Yesterday | Jane Ashworth |
The Jackalberry Tree | Jane Borges |
Diamonds | Jane Borges |
Hanoi Jane | Jane Fraser |
Love in a Camper Van | Jane Fraser |
He Drove As Far As He Needed To | Jane Hacking |
Burning Bridges | Janet Duignan |
The Duck | Javi Reddy |
Riding Shotgun | Jeanne Martin |
L’appartement de Mon Amie (My Girlfriend’s Apartment) |
Jeffrey Koterba |
Did You Pee | Jim McDonald |
On the Run | Jo Fitzsimons |
Van Men | John Harris |
DROWNING | John Wagner |
Scatter Your Ashes with a Frisbee | Jordan Felker |
The House | Julian Bentley Edelman |
The Day Before Easter, 2013 | Julian Bentley Edelman |
Quietus | Julianna Holland |
Core of My Heart | Julie Davies |
The Baron | kate Biddle |
The Miracle of Braile Street | Katherine Palmer |
The Girl Who Stayed | Kathleen Chaplin |
The Girl Who Stayed | Kathleen Chaplin |
The American Dream | Kathryn Shaver |
Double Helix | Kirstan Hawkins |
Riding in Cars | Laura Lohnes |
Salad Dressing | Lauren Foley |
Kates Melodeon | Liam Cahalan |
The Currency of the Ganges | Linda judge |
Weird Dirt | Lisa Grube |
I Am The Anti-Proust | Liz Gray |
Up there | Lorna Thorpe |
Mrs. Morrison | Louisa Byrne |
A Suitable Family | Louise Kennedy |
A Stitch in Time | Lydia Kann |
Rocks | M McCutcheon |
Chapatis, Hunger, Tigers, and Liberation: a Pilgrim’s Tale |
Madiha Bataineh |
Mabel’s chickens | Maeve Kolitz |
A Few Small Stones | marilyn ogus katz |
Me and Airports: AGP Malaga | Mark Blackburn |
Com | Marked |
Learning to walk in a man’s shoes | Marlene LEE |
THE SOCKS | Marsha Mittman |
The Schoolyard | Martine Fournier |
The Dought Season | Mary Bilan |
Children of Light | Mary Lou Shields |
My Dad, Bull McCabe | Mary Mullen |
Accidental Damage | Mary Roberts |
Unutterable | Mary Roberts |
Who We Become | mary shannon |
soul crows–a memory | michael casey |
The Brass City | Michael Dwyer |
The last salmon fisherman on the Tamar | Michael Hooton |
Dabbling Free | michelle brock |
I am Made of This | Miriam Moeller |
The Beginning | Mischa van den Brandhof |
Rite of Passage | Natalie Ryan |
Flame | Niamh MacCabe |
The Lark Ascending | Niamh MacCabe |
Boys will be boys. | Nicholas Bowlby |
On Seagull Street | Nicholas McLachlan |
Solent Ward | Nicki Heinen |
Dutch Scene Before Divorce | Nicola Waldron |
Bittersweet Thursday | Ninette Hartley |
The Leaving | Nora McGillen |
what’s your Angel name | patricia bradley |
The Recipe Book | patricia Denny |
No More | pauline rooney |
GRANDMA and GRANDDAD CROPP | Pauline Steele |
Always With Us | Pavlina Morgan |
Bloke to Bloke | Peter Tonkin |
The One With the Personality | Phyllida Scrivens |
An Immigrant’s tale | RASHMI PAUN |
America is for Lovers | Rebecca Ewan |
Sunday Dinner | Rhoda Wolfe |
September Spam | Richard Holeton |
Slivers and Fragments | Robert Little |
Elysium | Robert Maxwell |
Petty Crimes | Roberta George |
The Jewel Beach | Ruko Kitamaru |
Exposure | Ruth Heller |
If music be the food of love | ruth Skrine |
Wings in a Life | ruth Skrine |
The Workshop | Ryan Kramer |
Porn | Saffron Marchant |
Suitcase of Memories | Sandi Parsons |
Dream Homes | Sandra Burdett |
The Lifesaver | Sara Ballard |
On Dad, Death, Denial, and Duty | Sarah Cunningham |
Saturdays | Sarala Estruch |
THE NASWAR BOX | Savi Fitch |
Broken Roses | Seth Polley |
Paradise Mislaid | Sharon Eckman |
Big Blonde With A Beehive | Sharon MaHarry |
Zambian Music | Sheila Crawford |
The Call of the Peacock | Sherri Matthews |
Aden | Simon Kensdale |
Fifty Words for Love, in Swedish | Stephen Keeler |
Yahoo | Stewart Ross Carry |
Memories are Made of These | Sue Roff |
Places | Susan Anmuth |
Journey to Everywhere | Sylvia McGlynn |
The Christmas Story | Terese Brasen |
Found Soul | Tom Husband |
Searching for Ruru | Tracy Brighten |
Caught | tracy duvangel |
Landscaping | Una Mannion |
Dear My Father | Una Mannion |
The Onion Church | Una Mannion |
Throat of Morning | Wendell Hawken |