200 flash stories longlisted
(1285 flash stories submitted in total)
Jeffery | Abbie Tingstad |
Miracle | Adam Tamashasky |
Third Course | Alan Cole |
WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR | Alex Reece Abbott |
A FREE LUNCH | Alex Reece Abbott |
The Gentleman | Alistair Daniel |
Shooting Season | Allison Browning |
Escape | Angela Hickey |
The Hungry Goddess | Anita Lehmann |
#Teaching Moment | Ann-Marie Jerman |
Late-Night Takeaway | Anna McGrail |
Penelope | Anna McGrail |
The Man in her Bed | Anne Crosse |
Shadows and Dreams | Annette Bower |
through slipstreams | AYDIN MEHMET ALI |
The Little Girl Inside Me | Beata Anna Fijalkowska |
Ivy | Bernadette Gallagher |
Tipping Point | Bernie McQuillan |
The loves of Efraim Cotter | Beth Evans |
Daughter | Beth Grosart |
GOTCHA | Breda Nathan |
The Button at the End of the World | Brian Quat |
Fruit Vines | Bridget Helwig |
Doubling Down | Bruce Christiansen |
THE RIDE | Brynn Carroll |
The Bird Kitchen | bryony doran |
Why? | C Pringle |
You Should Have Known | Calysta Sylvester |
I might go to Spain | Carol Jones |
The Transformation | Caroline McCartney |
First Time | Carrie Beckwith |
Not so Flash | Carrie Beckwith |
New Years Eve | Celine Mescall |
The Final | Celine West |
The soul is symphonic (Little Red Riding Hood in midlife) |
Ceridwen Buckmaster |
Too good to be true | Charles Knightley |
Comrades | Charlie Weaver Rolfe |
Trash Fish | chloe wilson |
Gravity | Christian Cook |
Full Circle | Christina Eagles |
Pierrot | Christina Eagles |
How to Survive | christina Sanders |
Making a Man | christina Sanders |
My Hewo | CJ Hribal |
Witness | clare proctor |
Banana Squash | clare proctor |
Promises | clare proctor |
Men in Elk Country | Coleman Pape |
Horny Toad | Colin Houghton |
Winter | Crystal Huynh |
Suburban Spy | Cynthia Buck |
damien donnelly |
She Nose | Dave Joy |
The Comedy | David Armstrong |
A Small Price | David Steward |
Life in Lost Canyon | Dawn Lowe |
Why | Dawn Lowe |
Falling Short of a Lou Reed Song | Deirdre Daly |
Rapunzel | Deirdre Daly |
A Small Inconvenience | Denise Drespling |
50 Years | Derek Keane |
When Lorca Broke My Heart | Devon Ronner |
Too Close for Comfort | E.L Norry |
Noise | Eamon Mc Guinness |
The Muse | Emily Devane |
Life Sentence | Emma Rea |
A Taste for Rednecks | Ericka Olsen Stefano |
The Flute | Evelyn Walsh |
Billy | Filipa (aka ‘Kaori’) Komuro (aka ‘Crawford’) |
Family Holidays | Gillian Walker |
Only you’re not | Gina Headden |
The Proposal | Hannah Shepard |
Wasted | Iain Napier |
Dmitri my friend | Iain Napier |
Jackpot | Iain Napier |
Flash | Ian Duckworth |
A Prodigal Prays For Harlem in Winter |
Isabella David McCaffrey |
Forwards, backwards, sideways | Jackie Burgoyne |
Wait | Jackie Davis |
Love Post GFC | James Balian |
Misconception | James Murtha |
Her First Steps | Jamie Stacey |
The Love I Don’t Tell | Jamie Stacey |
The Plastic Banana | Jane Avery |
The wish list | Jane Fraser |
When the power goes off | Jane Fraser |
There you go | Jane Fraser |
Burying the Truth | Jane Rogers |
Tea time | Janet Duignan |
The games people play | Janet Duignan |
Butterfly Buns | Jason Akehurst |
Song | Jason Jackson |
Girl, Bridge | Jason Jackson |
Paper Chain Dolls | Jennifer Cairns |
The Professor | Jerome McFaden |
The marriage of Lennie and Mike | John Mulligan |
Shadow or Shade | John O’Connor |
Our Billy | John Stockdill |
Cheesecloth | John Wheway |
Exclusive Control | Jon Nixon |
The Switch | Jude Higgins |
Upstairs Downstairs | Jude Higgins |
White Matter | Julianna Holland |
The Age of Progress | Karen Baker |
Regrets | Kate Mahony |
Camp B | Katerina protopsaltis |
The World of Modern Ballet | Katerina protopsaltis |
TV VS WALKING | Katerina protopsaltis |
Lana’s Day as a Poet | Katherine West |
The Dog Will Be Fine | Katherine West |
The Golden Toilet | Kenneth Francis |
The Re-gifting of Sisterly Love | Kerrin O’Sullivan |
Before the Tsunami | Kirsty Seymour-Ure |
Jill | Kyle Macdowell |
68th street | Larry Fondation |
Beyond Inside | Laurence Davies |
Lost at sea | Lee Farnsworth |
Broken | Lee Farnsworth |
Cafe de Paris (Geneva, Switzerland) |
Linda Nemec Foster |
The Life and Times of Mary Margaret McBride |
Linda Rathburn |
Shopping List | Lisa Derrick |
The Presage | Lisa Fransson |
SERIAL DATER | Loraine Felce |
CARE (taking) | Lynn Blair |
The Task List | Maire Ryan |
Not thirty yet | Margaret Callaghan |
Falling | Margo Barnes |
Epilogue to a Cutter’s Handbook | Maria Kaplun |
Home | Marie Boland |
Tick-tock | Marie Parkins |
The Talent | Marjorie K. Kennedy |
Land Of Stones | Mark Smith |
Robots | Mark Sutz |
Wreck | Mark Sutz |
Com | Marked |
Macaroon Bar | martin shiel |
Three little words | maureen flynn |
The Great Wheel Turns | Maureen Gallagher |
The Shortest Distance Between Two Places |
Melissa Ostrom |
SOMETIME AHEAD | Michael Kirby |
BLAST FROM THE PAST | Michael Kirby |
DARKROOM | Michelle Allford |
Nephew | Michelle Coyne |
Twig | Michelle Wright |
Rare Expectations | Monica Goldberg |
Earth Excavation Summary | Monica Hileman |
Regret | Nancy Ludmerer |
Tiffy | Nancy Ludmerer |
Transformation | Nicholas Ruddock |
Short back and sides. | Noel Wills |
Animals | Pamela Banayoti |
Fifty Knots | Pat Murphy |
Candy | patria hatami |
A Full House | Patricia Demery |
Oranges are not the only fruit | Patricia Kyne |
Thank You For Holding | Paul Bassett Davies |
Pigs for Breakfast | Paul Rankin |
His Journey | Paul Stabell |
Ice | Pauline Murphy |
An equal opportunities employer | PJ Stephenson |
The Other Lucy Jordan | Polly Hall |
A Fine Goodbye | Ren Watson |
The Bridge | Richard Weems |
Edacious | Riona Judge McCormack |
MACKEREL | Robert Barrett |
BOY | Robert Barrett |
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat | Roger Vickery |
Soul-Surfing | Ron Jones |
Maud Yearns to Conform | Rose Servitova |
Fishing With Frank Sinatra | Ruby Speechley |
The Ride | Rucha Modak |
Road Kill | Russell Reader |
When Your Babies are Dried… | Ruth Tamiatto |
Storm | Sara Roberts |
Not a Party Girl | Sarah Bianchi |
Happy Birthday Victor | seamus scanlon |
The Parking Angel | seamus scanlon |
The Wardrobe | Sharon Bennett |
Appropriation Artist | Sheila Mannix |
Erika Dent has the Last Word | Sheila Mannix |
Compensation | Simon Kensdale |
Cancer | Siobhan Devoy |
Accidents | Stella MacAleese |
Dark Eyes | Stephanie Shields |
Trade-Off | Sultana Banulescu |
Boxing Day | Susan McCreery |
Bullet Points | Susan Zatland |
Missing | Tony O’Prey |
When Philippa Met Ava | Tony Tysoe |
What You Wish For | Tom Scruton |
MEET ME IN BELFAST | trish leake |
Falling | Una Mannion |
My father’s dog | Veronica Bright |
Buy One Get One Free | Wallace Barnes |
Barbs | West Foster |
Some Enchanted Evening | Will Ingrams |
A gap in the curtains | William Konarzewski |
Explanations | Xanthi Barker |